Foreign Films : CENTRAL STATION (1998)

A cynical, soured on life, retired school teacher, who earns income by writing letters for illiterate people in Rio de Juneiro's Central train station, becomes involved in rescuing a newly orphaned 9 year old boy, and embarks on a journey of self-discovery while trying to help him find his father, who lives in the outskirts of northeast Brazil.

The cast includes: Fernanda Montenegro, Marilia Pera, Vinicius de Oliveira, Soia Lira, Othon Bastos, Otavio Augusto, Stela Preitas, Mathieus Nachtergaele, and Caio Junqueira.

Directed by: Walter Salles. Screenplay by: Marcos Bernstein, Joao Emanuel Carneiro and Walter Salles.

See Review

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