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Star Trek Review: THE CAGE

Robert Butler's, "THE CAGE," is a fascinating peak at the origin of "Star Trek". Butler also directed the Disney features: "The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes" (1969) and "Now You See Him, Now You Don't" (1971).

Jeffrey Hunter ("The Longest Day" and "King of Kings") is handsome and dynamic as Christopher Pike, the original captain of the Enterprise. He seems to lack a sense of humor, however, which is one of the better things William Shatner brought to his subsequent portrayal of the Enterprise's Captain Kirk.

Leonard Nimoy, as Mister Spock. is rather different in this early performance. He yells orders, and on occasion, smiles. It's a far cry from the emotionless Vulcan we're used to.

Susan Oliver ("Peyon Place" and "The Man From UNCLE") registers strongly as a tragically disfigured woman, who's been given the gift of beauty by the aliens who hold her captive. A fantasy scene in which she appears as a green skinned, dancing, alien gal still raises some heat.

John Hoyt ("The Time Travelers" and "When Worlds Collide") offers sympathetic support as the Enterprise's chief doctor. Although a bit elderly-seeming for active space duty, he is a fatherly, reassuring presence. A scene, where he prepares martinis in Pike's cabin, is cute, if dated.

Alert viewers will spot Majel Barrett as the second in command "Number One". She went on to play Nurse Chapel, in the "Star Trek" series, as well as periodic appearances on "Star Trek: The Next Generation".

The script, by Creator/Producer Gene Roddenberry, is rather clever. But, since "THE CAGE" didn't get "Star Trek" on the air, I guess clever isn't what NBC was looking for.

The FX in this episode are good. Particularly striking is a large laser cannon in action, blasting away at a heavily shielded alien fortress.

THE CAGE should be highly watchable for most Sci-Fi viewers. Trekkers may faint from joy.


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