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Star Trek Review: OBSESSION

Director Ralph Senensky's, "OBSESSION," is a complex, psychological/Sci-Fi drama.

Writer, Art Wallace, gives us some interesting "back story", involving a young Lieutenant Kirk's tragic experience on The U.S.S. Farragut. All of our present experiences and reactions to stuff are colored by our actions, (or non-actions), to experiences in our past. The character of Captain Kirk becomes more real, more three dimensional, by showing how HIS past influences HIS present.

The idea of a gaseous creature, with a memory, who craves human blood, is a bit unlikely. But I guess if you can have a salt-craving, shape-shifting alien, you can have a gas bag that has a need for homo sapien hemoglobin.

Stephen Brooks is good as a young lieutenant, who freezes up when confronted with the cloud monster. He's a surrogate, young Kirk, and the connection between his actions in the present, and young Kirk's in the past, is illuminating.

The standard planetary exterior set is put to better effect than usual, The Art Director made an effort to make THIS particular planet scene look a bit different from the numerous other planetary scenes shot here.

"OBSESSION" should be fairly watchable for most Sci-Fi viewers. Kirk/Shatner fans may enjoy this insight into what makes Captain Kirk tick.



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