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Director Gene Nelson's, "THE GAMESTERS OF TRISKELION," is a vigorous Sci-Fi action yarn. Nelson's other directing credits include: "Kissing Cousins" (1964) and "Washington Behind Closed Doors," (1977).

A close view of the game reveals that some players, like Kirk, briefly step on the game court lines, which should indicate they messed up, but none are penalized. I guess in the future, on alien planets with no organized planetary leagues, or comprehensive rule books, penalty judging may become lax.

The Teleplay was written by Margaret Armen. Armen also wrote these Classic "Trek" episodes: "The Paradise Syndrome" and "The Cloud Minders".

Chekov (Koenig) and Uhura (Nichols) get more screen time than usual. While Nichols cuts a colorful figure in her game uniform, Chekov/Koening's responses, to alien team member Tamoon's romantic overtures, are awkward at best.

Costume Designer, William Theiss, offers costumes, particularly for the women, alien and human, that are quite radical. The exposed mid-driffs and peekaboo cutaways were perfectly in keeping with the love child extremes of the time.

Angelique Pettyjohn offers strong support as Shahna, one of the game players. Pettyjohn also appeared on the popular television shows, such as "The Man from U.N.C.L.E." and "Batman".

A "triskelion" is a relatively, complex geometric form. The playing court on which the players battle, outlined by foul lines, forms a triskelion. Armed with this info, you may be able to wow 'em at the office water cooler.

THE GAMESTERS OF TRISKELION should be fairly watchable for many Sci-Fi viewers. Sports fans should dig this one. THE GAMESTERS OF TRISKELION is a winner!



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