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Director Marc Daniels,' "WHO MOURNS FOR ADONAIS?," is a thought provoking episode. Daniels also directed these Classic "Trek" episodes: "The Naked Time", "Space Seed" and "I, Mudd", among others. He also directed the Gene Roddenberry Television movie, "Planet Earth," (1972).

This episode's script, (Teleplay by Gilbert A. Ralston, Gene L. Coon; Story by Gilbert A. Ralston), contains some intriguing ideas. The concept that the gods of Ancient Greece were actually visiting aliens is rather clever.

As Apollo, Michael Forest is both powerful and sympathetic. Forest also appeared on the TV shows, "Gunsmoke" and "The Rifleman".

Leslie Parrish makes a strong impression as Lieutenant Carolyn Palamas, who is desired by both Scotty and Apollo. She also appeared in the feature film, "Li'l Abner," and many television shows, including "Perry Mason".

This episode offers one of the rare instances of Scotty displaying a romantic interest in a female, as opposed to his engines. Considering how beautiful Parrish is, Scotty's uncharacteristic interest is understandable.

The Special Effects in this episode are quite good. "Scenes of Apollo" growing to giant proportions are particularly well done.


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