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Director Michael O' Herlihy's, "TOMORROW IS YESTERDAY," is a fun, Sci-Fi time travel tale. O'Herlihy also directed episodes of the TV series, "The Guns of Will Sonnett," and feature films such as "One and Only Genuine Original Family Band".

Roger Perry ("Falcon Crest", "The Facts of Life") is convincing as John Christopher, the Air Force pilot who is beamed aboard the Enterprise. His growing realization of what has happened to him is expertly conveyed, under O'Herlihy's sturdy direction.

The idea that the Enterprise, in low orbit around the Earth, might be mistaken for a UFO, in 60's America, is a fun one. The saucer shape of the Enterprise's central section help makes the UFO concept "fly," so to speak.

My favorite scene takes place when a security officer is beamed from the military installation up to the Enterprise. Following his arrival in the transporter room, his look of stunned shock is a hoot.

The FX in this episode are not very good. In an early shot, featuring the Enterprise in the Earth's atmosphere, a short piece of pipe appears to be sticking out of the bottom of the Enterprise. The "pipe" apparently secured the Enterprise model to an unseen stand used in Special Effects filming.

"TOMORROW IS YESTERDAY" should be rather watchable for many Sci-Fi viewers. Time travel enthusiasts will really dig this one. "TOMORROW IS YESTERDAY" is as good today as it was in the past!


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