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Star Trek Review: THE THOLIAN WEB

Director Ralph Senensky's, "THE THOLIAN WEB," is an exciting, unusual "Star Trek" Adventure. Senensky directed numerous other classic Trek episodes, including: "Bread and Circuses" and "Obsession".

This is the only episode, in the original "Star Trek" series, where the Enterprise crew wore space suits. Silvery, with oddly shaped helmets, they are not very convincing. Later, in "Star Trek: The Motion Picture," when space suits were again worn, the design had improved considerably, looking more like those worn, in "2001: A Space Odyssey," and less like hokey Halloween costumes.

Spock fans will enjoy seeing him in the command chair, in Kirk's absence, an occurrence that didn't happen all that often. While the Vulcan's actions are not always strictly logical, he does a fine job of helming the Enterprise, showing true devotion to his missing friend/captain.

My favorite scene takes place after Kirk/Shatner is lost, and presumed dead in another dimension. In Kirk's cabin, Spock and McCoy watch a tape of Kirk's last orders, which predicts their current interpersonal conflicts and encourages cooperation.

The Special Effects scenes, showing the Enterprise being gradually trapped in the energy lines of the Tholian Web, are quite good. Interestingly, Trek fans who use computers can get the Tholian Web/Enterprise sequence on their computer screens, via screen saver software. The late Gene Roddenberry would probably be amused.

"THE THOLIAN WEB" should be watchable for most Sci-Fi viewers. Fans of Spock/Nimoy will go into orbit. "THE THOLIAN WEB" is work getting caught in!


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