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Star Trek Review: COURT-MARTIAL

Director Marc Daniels,' "COURT-MARTIAL," is a fascinating courtroom drama in space. Daniel's other directing credits include: "Mirror, Mirror", "The Changeling".

Elisha Cook Jr. ("The Maltese Falcon" and "Rosemary's Baby") as lawyer Samuel T. Cogley, gives a top drawer performance. His courtroom speech, late in the episode, on the subject of human rights, is my favorite scene in the episode.

Fans of the old TV series, "Captain Midnight," will enjoy seeing that series star, Richard Webb ("Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea") in the role of the presumed dead crewman, Finney.

The episode's premise allows us to watch the inner structure of Star Fleet in action. We also learn that Kirk has received many commendations from the Federation.

Late in the episode, a gizmo is used to remove the sound of the heartbeats of those on the Enterprise from the ship's sensors. The unimpressive prop looks like a microphone, which is what is probably was.

"COURT-MARTIAL" should be highly watchable for most Sci-Fi viewers. Elisha Cook Jr. fans will get a kick out of this episode.


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