WOLF 359

Patrick O'Neal, Sara Shane, Dabney Coleman, Ben Wright, and Peter Haskell.

A miniature, alien world is created in an Earth laboratory.

Patrick O' Neal (The Stepford Wives) is polished, if a bit too urbane, as the desert scientist. Alert viewers will note Dabney Coleman (Slap Maxwell) in a small role as an scientific assistant to O'Neal. The FX, involving a floating alien/demon from the mini-world, are clever and effective.

A scientist studies the miniature, alien planet he has grown in his home lab. Later, he entertains friends at a barbecue.

An evil alien presence, from the mini-world, makes itself known. Growing increasingly obsessed with his little world, the scientist fires a co-worker and sends his wife packing.

The alien presence tries to kill the scientist. His wife returns home, and, seeing what's happening, destroys the mini-planet, saving her husband.

BEST BETS: The Borderland, Bellero Shield, The Galaxy Being


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