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Bruce Hyde, Majel Barrett (Nurse Chapel)

A weird space virus causes the Enterprise crew to drop their inhibitions and reveal their true selves.

A wild, wild, fun "Trek" episode. Episodes features major Trek acting out of character; for example: Spock cries, Sulu runs around with a sword, etc. The FX when the Enterprise travels backward in time are well executed.

Arriving at planet Ps:2000, Captain Kirk and company find the scientific research team there dead. The Enterprise encounters an odd space virus. Soon, the crew begins to act out their innermost feelings and desires. Bizarre behavior ensues.

Many different members of the crew are affected. The Enterprise is thrown into chaos. In the course of the epidemic, Spock cries, Sulu runs around with a sword, and Ensign Riley beams his bad singing around the Enterprise via the intercom. Kirk fails to come down with the disease.

With its engines turned off, the Enterprise begins losing orbit. An antidote is developed to the virus. Normality returns to the Enterprise. The Enterprise is saved by going backwards in time.

BEST BETS: Miri, The Deadly Years, This Side of Paradise


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