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PG 4 * MAIN INDEX * Great Movie Moments * Best Pictures * All Titles * Classic TV

RAISING ARIZONA A fast paced odd-ball comedy from the Coen brothers.

REVENGE OF THE PINK PANTHER This wild comedy, set in France and Hong Kong, is our pick of the "Pink Pather" series. A must for Peter Sellers fans.

RUTHLESS PEOPLE Flawless comedy with Danny DeVito and Bette Midler.
THE SEVEN YEAR ITCH A Marilyn Monroe classic.
SHANGHAI NOON (Comedy/Action/Western) Jackie Chan in the Wild West.
SHREK (Family Comedy) 
SIXTEEN CANDLES One of the best teen comedies and a classic from Writer/Director John Hughes.
SLEEPER Woody Allen and Diane Keaton at their silly best
SOAPDISH A strong cast with a great script brings this satire of television soaps alive.
START THE REVOLUTION, WITHOUT ME In this humorous, classic yarn, Donald Sutherland and Gene Wilder portray both sets of mismatched twins, right before the French Revolution.

SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SHERIFF One of the best western spoofs. A must for all James Garner fans.

TAKE THE MONEY AND RUN This fast paced comedy, done as a documentary, is Woody Allans first film.

10 A temptingly tasteful comedy for adults who can count. With Dudley Moore, Julie Andrews, and Bo Derek.

THERE'S SOMETHING ABOUT MARY A bit gross, but shockingly funny. A huge box-office hit that should be watched to the very end.
THE THIN MAN A husband/wife team solve a murder mystery. This is the first of six films featuring a husband/wife team that solve murder mysteries.
YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN A comedy classic from Mel Brooks and a must for Gene Wilder, Teri Garr, Madeline Kahn fans.

WAKING NED DEVINE A comedy set in Ireland about a covert plan to collect the money of their dead friend's winning lottery ticket.

WHAT'S UP DOC? A cleaver screwball comedy set in San Francisco. A must for Ryan O' Neal, Barbra Streisand, Kenneth Mars, and Madeline Kahn fans.
WITHOUT A CLUE A unique comedy-mystery Sherlock Holmes tale with Ben Kinsley and Michael Caine.

Main Index * Great Movie Moments * All Movie Review Titles * B&W Classics


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